Hallo! Zurzeit biete ich Betreuung in der Schwangerschaft, Hilfe bei Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden und Wochenbettbetreuung für Familien im Nürnberg-West, Mögeldorf, Laufamholz, Schwaig, Röthenbach an der Pegnitz und nahe Umgebung.
I am currently offering prenatal classes in English for expecting couples. If you are pregnant and feel more confident in English than German, then please join us! This is an in person course of a total of 5 sessions. The first 3 classes are for expecting mothers only, then we will have two longer sessions with your partner/birthing partner over the course of one weekend. In this course we will cover birth preparation in late pregnancy, the process of natural birth, how movement can support you throughout these phases, and discuss alternatives to "Plan A." We’ll also examine the early postpartum period with your baby and what to expect from the German healthcare system.
My goal as a midwife is to help you feel confident in your body, provide practical tools for you and your birthing partner, and support you both in making informed choices for birth and early parenthood.
This is a partner course, so both you and your birthing partner need to register. The cost for mothers is fully covered by your health insurance. The fee for your partner is €150, and most health insurances will reimburse part of this fee. You will recieve an invoice upon registering and only after payment is completed will your spot be reserved.
Class dates for Due Dates in June/July are as follows:
Class dates for Due Dates in August/September are as follows:
Please register (as the pregnant person!) on this home page under 'Anmeldung'. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at: